Cisco 827/827H/SOHO97/837 ADSL IPSec configuration
This recipe is designed for those Cisco 827’s that have the VPN (IPSec56) feature set.
Gotcha #1: Use the same version of the IOS on both ends of the VPN. You can usually get away mixing versions (such as 12.1 with 12.2), but there are a couple of combinations that will not work.
Gotcha #2: Check our recommended software versions., and pay special attention to any memory requirements mentioned.
To use this configuration, download the template file, 827_ipsec_nz.tpl, and use Cisco FastStep to install it. You will be asked these questions:
Router Name | A name you assign to the router. Not important. |
Router IP | The internal IP address of the router. Both sites must have unique internal network numbers. |
Network | The network being used internally by the router. |
Netmask | The netmask used for the internal network. |
Pre-shared Key | The VPN password. Must be the same on both ends. |
VPN End Point | The public IP address of the router at the other site |
Username | The username assigned to you by the ISP for the ADSL connection. |
Password | The password assigned to you by the ISP for the ADSL connection. |
Important bits of the config are:
! ISAKMP is a key exchange poilicy. This is basically used to negotiate a ! "password" and parameters for the two tunnel ends. crypto isakmp policy 1 authentication pre-share crypto isakmp key {vpn password} address {public IP of other end} ! ! This basically says how to encrypt the data. It says to encrypt the data ! using DES, and use SHA for message authentication. crypto ipsec transform-set cm-transformset-1 esp-des esp-sha-hmac ! ! This tells the data which traffic to encrypt, and where to send it. crypto map cm-cryptomap 1 ipsec-isakmp set peer {public IP of other end} set transform-set cm-transformset-1 match address 110 ! ! interface Dialer0 ! This enables IPSec on this interface. crypto map cm-cryptomap 1 ipsec-isakmp ! One of the biggest mistakes I come across is people missing out these two lines. no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache ! ! You must tell the router not to NAT VPN traffic. ip nat inside source list 105 interface Dialer0 overload access-list 105 deny ip ... access-list 105 permit ip ... |